
Braeview School is situated off a main road in a residential area in Happy Valley. The school  consists of:

Facilities at Braeview School
Facilities at Braeview School
  • Three main brick learning area , recently refurbished through the Commonwealth BER project.
  • Two new (BER) 4 class learning areas with individual classrooms and shared service and work spaces
  • Two activity rooms with high ceilings, carpet and curtains. Each is double classroom size. One of these Activity Rooms has been converted to a Crash and Bash area in which identified students participate in a structured program.
  • A renovated Resource Centre and Computer RoomAll classrooms and the Resource Centre have SmartBoards and internet access.  Curriculum computers are Apple Mac.
  • School grounds consist of a large oval, three playground equipment areas, and a range of hard play areas. Attractive garden areas are scattered through the school and many of these support the Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
  • A large multi-purpose activity hall/gym was completed in May 2007 and is used for school based physical activity sessions, whole school and JP/Primary assemblies, performances and after school activities (OSHC, and, Basketball)