
Braeview School Reception teachers work collaboratively with local kindergartens

Braeview plans and implements a positive transition for all children. Activities include:

  • Regular visits to local kindergartens – Reception students visit kindergartens and kindergarten children are invited to open afternoons at the school
  • Principal Tours Term 1, Term2 and Term 3
  • Transition visits over a three week period in Term 2 (mid year intake) and Term 4 (beginning new year intake). This includes Reception teachers visiting students at their kindies prior to the Transition visits.

Children start school at different stages of learning and development.  During the transition period and over the child’s first term at school, teachers observe children at work and play to assess their level of development. They then use this information to plan and implement programs which build on and extend each child’s learning.

Learning programs for young children starting school are planned to acknowledge what has already happened for children at preschool and provide continuity for children. Reception children will be involved in activities which are familiar with preschool, as well as beginning to learn about school and develop the skills to become involved in more formal learning programs.

When children commence school we help them learn “about school”. An important aspect of learning programs for Reception children is to help them learn about what it means to be at school ie the way learning happens, and the routines, behaviours and expectations about being at school. The transition program is an important aspect of this learning too.

During the first week of each intake a ‘Building Connection’ program is implemented. Parents are invited to make an appointment with the Reception teacher. We value this time as an opportunity to build stronger connections and gives parents the opportunity to share preliminary information about their child and their experiences.
